Travel insurances purchase intention was influenced by personal features, perception of travel risks and travel insurance awareness of Changsha residents. 长沙市居民个体特征、旅游风险认知、旅游保险意识对其旅游保险购买意愿有着不同程度的影响。
She continued to be a leading advocate for expanding health insurance coverage, ensuring children are properly immunized, and raising public awareness of health issues. 她不断成为增加健康保险、保障儿童免疫接种、加大普及公共人群医疗卫生知识等问题的主要倡导者。
But with the increasing competition in insurance industry and the increase of people's income and consumption awareness, people have higher requirements gradually for insurance services. 但是随着保险行业竞争的加大,人们收入水平、消费意识的提高,人们开始对保险服务产生更高的要求。
The precondition for rural insurance development is to enhance the insurance awareness of rural population, therefore publicity work for insurance is exceptionally important. 发展农村保险市场首要的前提就是要增强广大农民的保险意识,因而,农村的保险宣传工作就显得尤为重要。
This article provides some guidance for insurance enterprises to raise awareness of risks, and improves the ability to properly recognize and prevent risks in the process of actual operation. 通过本文的研究,对保险企业在实际运营过程中,如何提高风险意识,正确的识别和防范风险具有一定的指导作用。
The article analyses problems in the development of China's insurance industry, such as incomplete market system and illegal operation, low vocational level and extensive management, weak internal control and insufficient supervision from the central bank, lack of the awareness of preventing risks. 内部控制薄弱,央行监管力度不够;风险防范意识缺乏和不够重视等问题的分析,提出了完善和发展保险市场,建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的保险体系;
Major factors affecting the chronic diseases were level of education, medical insurance, awareness of health care, and payment ability for medical care. 文化程度、离退休前职业、医疗保障、居住状况、是否经常主动获得医疗保健知识、支付医疗保健费用有无困难是影响老年人患多种慢性病的因素。
Strengthen the management of information during the process of withdrawal is beneficial to improving the operation level of insurance company, enhancing their risk awareness, improving quality of their business and standardize its operation procedure. 加强寿险合同解除过程中的信息监控管理,有利于保险公司经营水平的提高、风险防范意识的增强、业务品质的提升和实务操作的规范。
The low rate of earthquake insurance covering are due to low possibility of earthquakes with large loss, limited capacity of insurance companies to pay insurance and low awareness of public on insurance. 地震发生频率低、损失巨大而保险公司的承保能力又十分有限,加之,社会公众的投保意识薄弱,造成地震保险投保率过低。
There is a big difference between valid demand and potential demand in China, The reasons are as follows: little insurance awareness because of traditional thought, planning economy etc. 在中国,保险有效需求与潜在需求之间存在着巨大的差距,原因有:受传统思想、计划经济等因素的影响导致保险意识薄弱;
In the situation of poor ability to buy insurance and weak insurance awareness, the demand for insurance of SMEs represents lowly. 在投保能力和保险意愿都不足的情况下,中小企业的保险需求表现欠佳。
As the present reform steps are speeding up and commodity awareness and insurance awareness are raising, the disaster insurance problems including earthquake insurance have been placed on the agenda. 随着当前改革步伐的加快,以及全社会商品意识和保险意识的提高,包括地震在内的灾害保险问题已提到议事日程上来。
There are two factors influencing demand for insurance, first the insurance awareness and second the ability to buy insurance. 影响保险需求的有两个因素:保险购买意愿和保险购买能力。
The main reason restricting the development of China's export credit insurance is the lack of awareness of the risks, the lack of development force of export credit insurance, the incompleteness of country's relevant laws and regulations. 制约我国出口信用保险发展的主要原因是:企业的风险意识不足、出口信用保险机构缺乏发展动力、国家的相关法律法规不完善。
Then we show the reasons for the low demand for insurance, using two models in the view of the ability to buy insurance and the insurance awareness respectively. At the end of the thesis we advise some means to increase the demand for insurance of SMEs. 然后以两个模型分别从中小企业的保险购买能力和保险购买意愿角度推导了中小企业保险需求不足的原因,最后针对不足的原因提出了提高中小企业保险需求的对策。
Then put forward some advices to develop country insurance, such as speed up legislation, strengthen policy support and enhance peasant's insurance awareness. 并进而提出应从加快农村保险立法、加大政策扶持力度、提高农民保险意识等几方面着手加快农村保险的发展。
On the other hand, although some SMEs have the ability to buy insurance, the owners 'mentality of regret-aversion leads to weak insurance awareness. 另一方面,有些中小企业虽然具有购买能力,但由于中小企业主存在规避预期悔意的心理,导致保险意愿不足。
The lower participation rate of the third party liability commercial insurance and accident insurance of potential victims of auto-accident shows that automobile owners lack enough consideration to auto-accident liability risk and the risk awareness of the public is still stayed pending further enhancement. 第三者责任商业保险和潜在的受害人的意外伤害保险的投保率比较低下,显示出机动车一方对法律责任的风险认识不足、社会公众的风险意识还有待于进一步强化。
As the enhanced of the insurance industry management requirements and awareness of risk prevention, it has become urgent to solve the problem of the insurance industry, collecting and statistical analysising branch operational data in the specified period of time. 随着保险业管理要求和风险防范意识的增强,在规定的时间段收集分支机构经营数据并进行统计分析,成了保险业亟待解决的问题。
In General, think life insurance business development in rural areas of China are still relatively backward, and insurance companies for management of rural life insurance business vulnerability, awareness of farmers insurance, insurers in the life insurance business of managing rural markets faced a greater risk. 总体上,认为我国农村寿险业务发展仍然相对滞后,保险公司对于农村寿险业务的管理存在漏洞,农民保险意识薄弱,使保险公司在经营农村市场的寿险业务时面临了较大的风险。
Researching social insurance awareness of employees is helpful for promoting the social insurance system for the further development. 研究企业员工社会保险认知度对于推动社会保险制度的进一步发展具有积极作用。
Also, this article considers rural endowment insurance system of household registration, policy, urban and rural economic development is out of balance and awareness of the nature of social security is responsible for the cause of the problem. 同时,本文认为户籍制度、农村养老保险政策失误、城乡经济发展不平衡和对社会保险本质认识不足是造成这些问题的原因。
In the auto insurance rates, BMS adjust the renew premium to make it corresponds to the risk of each insured. The object of BMS stimulates the insured to improve his or her awareness of safety and control the risk. 在车险费率中,奖惩系统是在掌握不同投保人的索赔次数之后,调整保费,使其与每个投保人的风险相对应,从而激励投保人提高安全意识,规避风险。
Based on status quo of domestic and international environment and the development of high education, insurance awareness education of university students has been proposed by us as a new issue of ideological and political education. 大学生保险意识教育正是根据当前国内外环境的深刻变化以及高等教育改革发展的阶段性特征提出来的一个思想政治教育新课题。
The Chinese insurance industry is praise for the sunrise industry of 21 centuries. With the rising of the living standard of people, insurance awareness has been increasingly strengthening. And The Chinese insurance industry has already been in quickly developing period. 中国的保险业被誉为21世纪的朝阳产业,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,参保意识的不断增强,中国保险业已经进入了快速发展时期。
The third is from the environmental pollution liability insurance system itself to find a solution, such as setting reasonable deductible and preferential rates to encourage enterprises to increase the risk of environmental pollution prevention awareness and reduce pollutant emissions. 三是从环境污染责任保险制度本身寻求解决办法,例如设置合理的免赔额、费率优惠等,鼓励企业增强对环境污染风险的防范意识,降低污染物的排放。
Let the insurance company which get in serious crisis withdrawl from the market is accord with the law of the market economy survival of the fittest, and also this will strengthen the risk prevention awareness of the insurance company, the policy holder and other financial consumers. 让出现严重危机的保险公司通过破产退出保险市场,既符合市场经济优胜劣汰的规律,又能强化保险公司自身以及广大保单持有人及其他金融消费者的风险防范意识。
However, the existing old-age insurance system reform of public institutions is still single national arranged pattern. It has been not only brought serious financial burden, but also made the employees of public institutions to over-reliance on national. So it can not enhance self-protection awareness. 然而,现存的事业单位养老保险制度改革仍然是单一的国家包办模式,不仅带来了严重的财政负担,而且使事业单位职工过分依赖国家,没有加强自我保障意识。